Thursday, July 15, 2010

Yoga Chronicles 15 July 2010

a year ago i set my mind into a new mode: move ahead toward a dream with the confidence that the universe has already surmounted the obstacles i perceived to be holding me back. and from there a motion was set into place. and that motion gained strength. and that motion gained force. and that motion gained velocity, weight, size, shape. but the gain that has me holding on for dear life is the velocity. today i dare not try to figure out how to do what must be done tomorrow for tomorrow will spell all that out for me if i pay close attention. i only need show up and concentrate on what must be done and peacefully watch the universe at work as she leads me ahead.

where i haven't had the strength, stamina or wherewithal to move forward, loved ones have carried me through. they've lit fires under my ass, they've pushed, they've boosted, they've held out hands. they have re-ignited my own strength. and through blind momentum, the pieces all fall into place.

before, i absolutely tormented over how i was to hang onto my life my in austin as i went off to teacher training. then after several years of quandary it occurred to me not to hang onto life here all. just let it go. what slips away is no longer necessary as what remains is all that's required. i no longer question the instincts, merely surrender and follow their direction. continuing to find myself further and further along on the path. trusting each moment.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Thursday, November 6, 2008


So , on this week before the race: sunday i did my 11 mile run then went to yoga. then tonight is the first day since sunday i've been off off my ass to do anything. i've eaten a lot of crappy shit this week, interspersing it along with some quality shit.

i forgot my watch so i have no idea what my tempo was tonight on my 4 miler. it felt fine and i pushed it a little. minor irritation in my ankles, hardly worth mentioning...

the intention is to go to yoga tomorrow either 8 or 10. then to PASIC.

this next week, i do 2 or 3 gentle runs and hit 3-4 yoga classes and i'll be golden for sunday.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

.the depression/recession watch

my grandfather's legacy is that he is among the team of engineers who brought us the wrist watch. pocket watches had already long been used, but wrist watches were not mass produced in the United States until into the 20th century.

my grandfather saw the entirety of the 20th century. born in 1899 and with us until 2000, he and the century passed this world side by side. as the century developed, so did he. when he was in his mid teens he lied about his age to be a soldier in WW I, saw the Great Depression of the 20th century, began an engineering career, paused said career to participate in WW II, returned to said career and into his 40s, in the 1940's started a family. before he started a family, he fought in 2 world wars abd attended the great depression. by the time he started a family, he knew a thing. on a team from the Elgin Watch Company, he left behind the modern watch we now take for granted. the man knew a thing or two.

he was a runner. he loved it.

the watch i use in my training is 4 years old and it is expensive. when the band strap broke the other day, i had to rigg it to work and get me through this next race. i can't afford another good sports watch right now. so as i rigg this watch with black electricians tape to stretch it through this race during this recession no one's calling a Depression at the beginning of the 21st century, it is to my grandfather i dedicate my Rock N Roll half marathon on nov 16.

the depression/recession watch
i run for my grand father
my mended watch is in his honour
he runs beside me.... this one's for him....

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Nelly Furtado Say it Right

i don't know; there's just something about timbaland. i wanna eat him up with a spoon

Duffy-Distant Dreamer

this sounds lika a roy orbison joint to me. if amy winehouse never returns from the brink, duffy will do.

.something in the air

i don't know what it is, but there has been something in the air this past week that has been igniting passions all around. for myself, i've had nights that i couldn't get to sleep for being so excited to get to work the next day to have the opportunity for creativity.

as for running, i feel the fire as i get into the longer distances. the first 2 or 3 miles might be a struggle, but i actually feel closer to my own heart as i get into miles 5-8.

and in yoga, my practice might not appear to be much from the outside looking in, but once i finish a class, i'm ready for another.

and it's not just me. my friends at this time are experiencing similarly as well. whether it's about their careers, their dreams, their relationships or reigniting interests that have been dormant. it's exciting to feel it as well as to see it so prevalent all around.

perhaps it's the change in the weather; the oppressive heat is lifting. and for me this does allow for tons more energy.

or it could even be related to the questionable state of our nation. certainly passions are being stirred as we explore the future of our destiny, via election '08. with the economy in the crapper, along with our place in the global picture, the only place to go to feel a sense of joy or success is within ourselves.

whatever the impetus, i'm grateful for the feeling. let passions aflame.

i know sooner or later i'm gonna get nailed for copyright infringement, but right now my passion is to share today's "Buddhism Day by Day; Wisdom for a Modern Life":

Your home is where your loved ones live. your home is the place where you work together with your fellow human beings to build a paradise, a realm of peace and prosperity for all. When we are asked where our home is, we can answer, "My home is the world. Everywhere in the world where my fellow human beings live, all of it, is my home."
